Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Understanding Others Will Increase Your Confidence

Behaviorist Theory

(The top part is adding)= It is Positive
                      Left side: Are punishments                                      Right side: Are reinforcements
                             Avoid or Discouraging                                      Go toward or Encouraging

                                                                                         ↑ Y

Positive punishment              

(Get a ticket for speeding)

   Positive reinforcement
       (I say thank you after you help me)

                                                _________________________ X

Negative   punishment   

      (Take away your license)        

Negative reinforcement
(Put seat belt to stop the noise)


(The bottom part is removing)= It is negative
Positive: We add
Negative: We remove (or take away)

Reinforcement: A change in the behavior that you would like for the environment to favor
Ex: (You want the noise to stop) or (You want to hear people say thank you)

The reinforcement helps the favorable behavior to increase ↑.

: A change in the behavior that you would dislike for the environment to impose on you
Ex: (Get a ticket for speeding) or (Lose your license)
The punishment helps the undesirable behavior to decrease ↓.


If a person appreciates the change then it is a REINFORCEMENT
[You want to hear thank you & you want for the noise to stop]

If a person would prefer to avoid the change then it is a PUNISHMENT

[No one ever wants to get a ticket or for their drivers license to be taken away.]

Since reinforcement & punishments theory is established by the behaviorists, it is quintessential to keep in mind that these punishments and reinforcements are things that happen in the environment to change/guide someone's behavior. So it's something that happens or is done to you.

When I say something that you prefer, it is merely a trick to recognize that a person would prefer an action that is done by the environment that a person would prefer: such as praises.

And in contrast a punishment would be a change in the environment that you would prefer not to happen to you: such as losing a driver’s license.
It is really crucial because this explains the behaviorists’ point of view like Skinner and Watson. Just like when Watson said that he could take any child and make him become whoever he wanted.

In psychology, it is really important to differentiate and be able to explain the different theories.

I. The psychoanalytic theorist believed into unresolved issues: Freud, Erikson…

II. The humanists like Carl Rogers, and Maslow believed in the human free will.

Thanks to a few key people who contributed, your help was deeply appreciated, and because of it I was able to complete this final and more thorough explanation.

In which quadrant would you put my gratitude?

Dating Without Dating

Several years ago, I had begun selling my belongings online to make some extra cash. I had came across this great website which proposed meeting the buyer in a public place. Aside from the money I was making, I had noticed how many great people I was also meeting.

      Eventually, this had been were the idea of, Dating Without Datinghad wooed my mind. I had realized how much fun interesting it had been meeting all these people. I had had an epiphany that my encounters with women really felt like a first date.

    Although the meetings had been short, it had felt like those speed dating events I had seen on TV. In just a few seconds, I could have told it instantly who clicked who did not whether the person bought my product or not.

Since my objective had been to sell merchandise, I had no stress of wanting to be dating material. 

      After a few interesting encounters, I realized that something else was being advertised it was my date-ability. After awhile, I had realized that this ordinary situation had great dating potential.

In other words, despite the setting or situation which you will choose, the plan is to make it as natural as possible  instead be in the moment. Being in the moment means to focus on enjoying yourself while you meet a person instead of thinking about what can go wrong.

When it comes to perfection, the lesson that I have really learned is that only mistakes can lead to mastery. I call this the perfect mistake because it is only through mistakes that you get to learn things that you would have otherwise missed.  

       As an illustration, how many times have you heard that many actors prefer to get into the role instead of acting it out? Certain therapists have shared that they have accomplished some of their best work outside of the office in a natural setting.

Accordingly, being natural is very important, for being natural helps your brain to be authentic that helps to interact better with people. For instance, joining a class or a volunteer group is a great natural way to meet people authentically. However, do not do it to find a date; instead, do it to meet people.

Ultimately, the plan is to meet people without searching. Some people will like you and others won't  and that is just the way the game is played. There is nothing you can do about that because only the arrows of chemistry matches the hearts of the Valentines with each other. 

      As long as you remain active in your community, you will keep meeting interesting people. Put yourself out there by doing other activities outside your comfort zone there is no doubt that you will be noticed.

(P.S: Sometimes we close the doors of opportunity when our eyes connect more often with the Cell phones instead of the next great person we were supposed to meet.)